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Gee Steph, Off-Topic?

I started the One Great Love/One Great Horse thread.  Sure, I know it is not
endurance-related.  But, it is "horse-related" and "people-related", so,
    I could pontificate a whole bunch on incompetent riders "hot-shoeing"
along on under-conditioned horses who, wanting some say in the matter, pitch a
fit every time they are dragged to the next endurance "race", and then find
themselves getting whipped severely when out of eye-shot of the rest of the
folks trying to do it the right way.  I could lament the loss of the true
"amateur" aspect of endurance and the "internationalization" of focus
presently bleeding throughout the leadership of AERC.
    But, I won't.
    So, from what I can gather from your inference and intimation regarding
what an "Endurance List" should consist of, I'll try to stay on topic.
    But, I don't for a minute think "endurance" as I view it can be anywhere
the same sport as you view it.  
    It is about horses, wives and husbands, goals strived for and goals
attained.  It is about good horsemanship (and THAT is something that happens
everyday, not just at this weekend's ride).  Sure, it's about nutrition,
saddle fit, the benefits of riding with or without a heart monitor, etc.
    There are many aspects to "endurance", and the delicate balance required
to ACTIVELY pursue the sport as it relates to the one you love and the one you
ride, can be a difficult thing to maintain if you deeply, deeply love them
    Particularly if the one you love requires your emotional and physical
support twenty-four hours a day to just get through the day.
    So, I sit here, ready to "talk endurance"...

     Peace and Love To You,

     Frank Solano.

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