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Re: RC: Trailering problems!

In a message dated 9/11/99 5:05:14 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

<<  I've only had her
 a month and a half.  HELP.  Any experiences out there that will
 make me at least feel better? >>

Oh yeah.  Been there, done that.  Star didn't want to get into my straight 
load trailer (we think it reminded him of the starting gate at the race 
track). I got some really good tips from fellow Ridecampers a while back on 
this one ( as well as my friends from around here).  Here's what worked for 
us (Star & me).  We practiced loading when we weren't actually going anywhere 
so no stress if it didn't work out.  BEFORE I started trying to load him I 
taught him to move forward at a signal from me (I used twirling the lead rope 
at his butt).  I LET him back out whenever he wanted to and as many times as 
he wanted to.  I DID use rewards in the trailer -- lots of treats in there 
for the taking when he finally did go in.  Bribery?  Maybe, but it works. 
(Please, no Parelli Police action on this one) No yelling, no hitting (maybe 
a tap or two low on the hocks when he was just acting like a donkey). The 
good when I loaded him into the trailer I actually took for 
granted throwing the rope over his back and having him hop in while I calmly 
and unhurriedly fastened the butt chain.  Now, I ask you, does it get much 
better than that?  Lots of patience and some firm communication work wonders. 
  Good luck!

Sylvia (thanks to the ridecampers who gave me advice 6 months ago on this one)

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