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Dear Vinnie,
    I was at that ride and the heat & humidity were beyond any that I had ever ridden in... I was riding a horse that one year ago in May gave me the very same scare and guilt feelings that I know you are going through now. My "Fred" had come in and trotted out superbly after a real push to make time at the Wyandotte Woods CTR at Corydon,IN. It was 90 degrees plus 100% humidity. I got him back to the trailer and he started to colic. Just kept wanting to lay down in the worst way. I never let him go down luckily. The ride vet Maureen Fehrs was there immediately and started fluids like your horse. With an IV in and another bag of fluid for the one hour + ride  we got him to the east side of Louisville, Ky clinic. He was way out of whack on calcium caused by dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. They kept him for 24 hours and because he was in good healthy condition before I made him so sick in the heat , he bounced back like a trooper. I was never so worried about having ridden a horse(actually my husband's horse) and nearly killed him. I learned a lot from that experience!! More than I can put into words on an e-mail. My heart was with you and your horse that night and I haven't stopped thinking and praying for you and Bucky. I was shocked to see the post on ridecamp. I'm glad you shared, so we could help you. I would like to know that everything is okay as soon as you can post. My girlfriend Tracy had spoken with your wife about your SS saddle and we spoke to her after you had left for U of I. Really hope all is well.
Denise Culberson
Indiana Arabian Distance Horse Club

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