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RE: pedometers/mileage

> wrote:
>""I'm skeptical about how accurate the distance tool really
>is, however, particularly in the Topo! package.  I've traced
>almost identical trail routes multiple times and gotten
>figures that varied by as much as 2 miles over a 10 mile
>distance--no better than my stride counting technique!""
>There are 2 possible distance measurements generated by this software.  One
>(1) is the distance covered by the trail across the map, the other (2) is the
>distance covered by an individual walking the trail.  The first measurement
>is very simple and, in very hilly terrain, will underestimate the distance
>experienced by the traveler.  The second measurement requires the program to
>understand the terrain elevation topography and to take in account the affect
>of slope on distance.  This is rather sophisticated.
>I have no idea how the programs actually work.
>But on another note.. G P S
>GPS will give you a distance measurement based on your travel across a X,Y
>grid.  Therefore, you are getting the same distance measurement as described
>as (1) above.  
>H O W   O F F  C A N  I T  B E  ???
>If you took your Fine Snort'en Sport Horse for a trip straight-up the Grand
>Canyon Wall (You will need Easy Boots AND Easy Foam to complete this ride)
>you will have traveled 1.2 miles.  HOWEVER, on the topographic map and your
>hand held GPS, you will have traveled only 0.2 miles!!!  (By the
>way....strapping the saddle to the horses head may prove to be instrumental
>to success) 
>        /
>      /
>    /          <---- Distance You Traveled
>  / 
>/ ____      <---- Distance GPS measured or you measured from a map
>W H A T   T O  DO  ???... 
>The best way to measure trail distance is probably through use of a "Distance
>Measuring Wheel"  They all have a wheel that you move along the ground, a
>distance odometer, and a pole with handle to push or pull it along.  Simply
>drag this device behind your horse and measure the trail accurately.  You can
>attach the device by lashing it to ...the Crupper? simply insert the
>handle in the horse's.....  no... well...  I am sure we can figure that out
>on the trail <smile> 
>Vincent J. Attardi
>Nagzarus Farm
>The Bluegrass State

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