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Re: RC: non refundable entry fees

> Hi All,
>Sorry to post a gripe here but I just found out that I probably won't get a
>refund from the ride I was planing to attend last weekend. They cashed the
>check as soon as they received it! Never had that happen before in the 7
>years I've been going to Endurance Rides. Has anyone ever had that happen to
>them? Do any of you Ride Managers out there do this? I did call as soon as I
>found out that I wouldn't be going. (3 days before the ride) The lady I
>talked to said that was too late! Shame on my Mom for deciding to visit me
>from out of town!<g> Is there anything I can do? BTW it was the "Ride The
>High Country Ride" put on by Al-Marah Arabians.
>Lori Cox
>PS I am still waiting to hear back from Howard Shenk so MAYBE I won't have
>to hurt anyone!


Do you think just because they cashed the check that they won't offer you
at least a partial refund?

You asked what other RMs do.  I cash most of the checks before the event.
There are a lot of things that must be purchased ahead of time, and some
really huge checks that are written at the event, like to 4 vets, to the
Park system for base camp, to the caterer at $10/head--the money's gotta be
in the account ahead of time, or the checks will bounce.  Some of the stuff
has to be paid in cold hard cash, no checks please.  (Porta-potties spring
to mind). <g>

My policy as stated on the entry is that riders whose horses don't pass the
vet-in get a full refund.  Additionally, after the event, I send riders who
don't complete a $10 certificate towards next year's ride (idea from TWH).

Riders who pull days before the event still get refunded--lots of things
can happen--horse goes lame/sick, rider goes lame/sick, truck breaks, kid
gets sick, etc.

Riders who don't call and withdraw, just no-show, get refunded with a
snarl.  This year, maybe I'll withhold $10 for having to buy their meal and
the accoutrements anyway.

In general, at PS rides, when riders check in at the ride office, they get
a pre-made packet which they can just pick up along with a number for
vetting-in priority.  Only if there's a discrepancy in the entry is there
any interaction with ride staff required (liability form not signed, costs
figured wrong, horse or rider info missing, etc.)  There's a lot of office
work required to make this easy for entrants the day of check-in.

In the for-what-it's-worth category, this ride cost $8,000 to put on last
year, and since it was the first year, necessitating purchase of a whole
bunch of one-time stuff, it didn't break even.  That's a lot of dough, not
exactly pocket change for this RM, anyway.


Ontario, CA
Norco Riverdance Ride (PS) 9/4/99
and Rem-member Me, Celesteele

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