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EasyBoot rivets

Recently, while riding, I lost an important part of one of my Easy Boots.  It was one if the little rivets that holds the buckle to the front assembly of the Boot.  The buckle was still there when I took the Boots off; held on by the cable!
I have tried replacing the rivet with a small bolt and 2 nuts( my husband said 2 nuts would not fall off).  I can attest that 2 nuts are the same as no nuts, as that is what I had when I returned from my next ride. 
Has anyone else had sucess solving this repair?  I have extra Boots (in 3 sizes!) "A rider can never have too many Easy Boots" (forget about being too rich or too thin).  So I can keep riding.  But there are still many more miles on this boot, and it is now nicely moulded to Maxwell's foot.
Alison  in Eastern Ontario

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