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GSENM Update

Trail Preservation Update
Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
April 1999

Just a short note to update you on the GSENM.  Crockett spent the week of
March 9th in Utah attending meetings concerning the proposed draft
management plan (DMP).

The Outlaw Trail Historical Ride will be held this year Sept. 20-24.  Our
permit is in process of approval on the same basis as previous years with a
limit of 75 riders.  Our past years of “low impact” and superior compliance
with the regulations of our Special Recreation Permit has put the OT in a
favorable “eye” with the Monument Managers.

Ms. Barbara Sharrow has been appointment the Grand Staircase Escalante
National Monument manager.  She is currently working at the Cedar City
Office.  Ms. Sharrow reported that approximately 60,000 letters have been
received concerning the proposed alternatives of the DMP.  She pointed out
that 5 to 10 % came directly from horsemen expressing “NO ACTION” and in
support of the Heritage Industries and the Outlaw Trail Historical Endurance
Ride.  The most impressive factor about the letters received from Horsemen
was that the letters expressed personal input and concerns.  Sharrow stated
that in general the letters from other users were simple statement of choice
of alternatives.  For example, “I choose Alternative B”.  Horseman wrote
impact letters that really hit home, said Sharrow.

The BLM planners were complimentary of the loud voice expressed by the
Horsemen and their reaction to the limitation of “12 Heartbeats”.  They
promised to review all the letters and have scheduled meeting with the
government agencies (i.e. County commissioners), communities and individual
groups that encompass the GSENM in the upcoming months.  The Planners will
keep the public informed via their web site and updates to those on the
GSENM mailing list.  A decision will not be made until late November.

What can we do at this point?  Although the comment period closed March 15,
we can continue to mail “letters of input” to the Cedar City BLM Office.
Express your concern for the “12 heartbeat” limitation.  Ask why the
planners arbitrarily assigned a number of 12 heartbeats rather than
assessing impact of use!  Express your support for the Heritage Industries
that have operated in the GSENM and would bankrupt with the forced
limitations of the proposed DMP. The planners and Barbara Sharrow are
genuinely listing to our appeals and concerns and encourage more input.

We extend a grand appreciation for all those who wrote letters and encourage
everyone to continue sending letters of support.  This is a major statement
from equestrians and proves to public land managers we are a united voice.
Decisions such as the GSENM DMP will greatly effect the future of our trails
and the use of trails in Monuments and proposed Wilderness Study Areas.

Letters should be addressed to:
Mr. Pete Wilkins
Grand Staircase Escalante Nation Monument
337 South Main Street, Suite 010
Cedar City, Utah   84720

Web site:
Email comments are fine, but input letters are the IMPACT!

Also, please contact us for information and updates.  We have posted a
“trails preservation” link on our web site to keep your informed.

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