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Re: RC: sportsmanship

You drink Angie's water and then trot off and leave her and she'll beat the hell out of you!

That is such a good idea!  I can use a version of that line for every rudeness I encounter - anywhere.  "Hey, you !@#$%! who just cut me and my horse trailer off, you cut that out or Angie will beat the hell out of you!"

Maybe it will be like the "Kilroy was here" phenomenon.  "Don't do that or Angie will beat you up!"  I like this - it really works for me, takes the pressure off having to be the enforcer myself.

Seriously, though, it's true a lot of people who are acting rudely are acting that way out of ignorance, not on purpose.  It's hard to remember all the time, but there it is.  Lif
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