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Akhal-Teke stud service
I stumbled across some info yesterday that may interest those of you
inquiring about AT stud service. In the "The Idaho Horseman", spring 1998
edition, there's an article "The Nez Perce Horse" written by Steven P.
Elkins. According to the article four Akhal-Teke stallions, two mares, and
three geldings owned by the brothers, Hans and Eberhard Sprandtel of MN,
were donated to the Nez Perce "Young Horseman Program" in 1995. The
stallions are being stood to outside mares as well as being used in the
tribe's own AT/Appy breeding program. The fee to outside mares a year ago
was $750. The sales prices of their crosses and purebreds last spring was
$5000 to $8000. That's lower than I've heard quoted elsewhere.
The Appy/AT cross has its own registry now and those are known as the "Nez
Perce Horse". They have yet to be proven in endurance riding, being as the
oldest are only about 3 years, but the cross sounds like a good one to try.
The pictures in the article showed some nicely built young stock with the
loud Appy coloring and metallic sheen.
For more info contact:
Rudy Shebala
Nez Perce Tribe
PO Box 365
Lapwai, ID 83540
phone: (208) 843-7333 or (208) 843-2253 ext. 2271
BTW...one of the three main goals of the Young Horseman Program as outlined
is to implement a trail riding program to promote cultural awareness by
opening trails across Idaho into Montana, including some of the original
trails that Chief Joseph and his people traveled 120 years ago.
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