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Re: Bute after a Ride
Just to add some additional info to the pot on this topic:
It is important to remember that Bute has more than just pain relief
effects. It is also an anti-inflamatory, as is ice, cold water, most
linaments, etc. that so many people are recommending instead of Bute.
Even hand walking can be used as an "anti inflamatory" treatment (by
improving circulation).
All of these things can speed the recovery process, because of their
anti-inflamatory properties.
I am not a fan of routinely giving Bute to horses after rides so that we
can cover up the effects of over work, but understanding that it can be a
vlauable tool in helping our horses to more quickly recover from the
inflamatory effects of extended excercise is something to take into
Show of hands....
....how many people use yucca products in the same way????
Just another NSAID (with the same "ulceration" problems as bute, even
though it may not be as concentrated i.e. most people are using the NSAID
in yucca in much smaller doses).
Orange County, Calif.
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