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North Dakota Ride

Hi Lynette,

The Distance Riders of Manitoba (DRM) are hosting a 50 and 100 mile
endurance ride in Turtle Mountain Provincial Park on June 5, 1999.
During this ride we ride along the US/Canada boundary trail for quite a
few miles - it is really neat seeing that straight clear cut trail going
on for miles over rolling forested hills. Every so often you see a
boundary marker, and know that you could "go to the states" (by a couple
of feet) as often as you want!

If you want more information about this ride or about hosting a ride in
the Peace Gardens, you might want to get in touch with Myna Cryderman.
She lives in the area (in Manitoba) and puts on a lot of rides. She may
be able to offer some helpful information.

As well, if you do put on a ride in the Peace Gardens, although it's
remote for US riders, you might make up for it with a few Manitobans.
Let us know when you are thinking of scheduling for and I will add it to
the DRM ride calendar.

Kelli Hjelmeland
AERC #7521

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