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In a message dated 9/16/98 11:47:16 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

I am replying to this on the list so that there is no question about what I
say to this person:
<< They are just interested in protecting their butts with the
 insurance companies.
 You better believe they are - and they should. They have that obligation. I
am convinced that THAT is not their "only interest" however. RMs don't make a
living at this so I hardly believe that they have ANY interest here other THAN
the LIABILITY and SAFETY. This is as it should be.
 I have seen more mares act terrible than geldings or stallions,ABSOLUTELY
and generally - as in THIS case - it is the fault of the RIDER who is
incompetent with a particular - or sometimes any - horse. There are horses I
won't compete on - that people have asked me to show - and I won't because
these bozos are hazards to themselves.  but I
 don't see any of those mares and owners banned from the rides and shows.
 I think everybody is using this poor woman and her stallion for a lot of
 crap!!Doesn't sound like it to me - sounds like there were a number of
incidences. Having been at teh receiving end of many bad-mannered horses with
unqualified riders/handlers, I am oppsed to allowing a known bad actor in a
public setting.
 And I thank GOD that I'm not a member of any group.We do too, since many of
us value our hides.   AERC and all the
 rest.   Because all I see in groups are a bunch of back biters.Funny you
should put it this way, since at one ride in Central Coast I had a man's
obnoxious stallion bite me between the shoulder blades. How's THAT for quality
horsemanship? He had been weaving and charging the whole way into the 2nd vet
check, screaming all the way, terrorizing many riders. After biting my
stallion in the butt, he prceeded to try to take a chunk out of my shoulders.
When he was pulled from the ride for this behaviour, he threw a royal fit,
saying they were picking on him (as I nursed my shoulder and calmed my
otherwise VERY quiet stallion)because he as on a stallion. Oh brother!

My experience has bene that there are few true bad actors, but the ones who
are, are INVARIABLY ridden or handled (at shows, too) by incompetent people.
Some are simply overhorsed and have no clue. Some just - well, have NO CLUE!
No everyone is capable of DOING this! Not everyone can ride a UNICYCLE! These
things take knowledge, talent and experience. Alittle savvy doesn't hurt. But
when a horse who has before tried to or succeeded in injuring others - horses
or human - there Rms or whoever is in charge and ultimately responsible shoudl
and really MUST do whatever they can to insure the safety of everyone else. As
I have said before, your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins.
so so so.
 I'm ready for the flames,  which this list is famous for.
 Rebecca--Underwood Enterprizes--1-541-826-9668--Oregon
 Home of the Treeless Saddle and other quality horse/mule/donkey and pet

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