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Easy Foam....

Well, thought I'd break out the foam this weekend since it
was a holiday and all - figured I'd have that extra day to
get the stuff off if needed...

First step was going back to the net and reading Karen's
instructions....Hmmmm....don't have any plastic gloves - oh
well - I'll just be sure not to get any on my hands - how
hard can that be, right?

So, assemble boots, both parts of EasyFoam, spoon, styrofoam
cup - all set...oops, get horse - now I'm ready...

Let's see - 1/4 cup of each mixed together - well, no
measuring cup around so *that* looks about right....mix and
pour into boot and put on and strap his foot in.

Now, as the stuff starts doing it's thing all these horrible
thoughts come to mind - like what if Tony is the first horse
ever to have horrible reaction to this stuff and his foot
just disentigrates - do they refund entry fees for that sort
of thing? And could that be fixed before the 100 at Liberty
Run, I wonder? What if he spazzes out when he feels the heat
from the reaction and has a lifelong aversion to easyboots?
How will I ever do the OD on this horse if I can't e-boot

As my mind is running wild, Tony is snoozing with one leg
cocked and the foam is spilling out over the top apparently
unaware of the possible danger I have placed him in.
Spilling out???? My instruction sheet doesn't mention
spillage - is it supposed to do that? Did I use too much?
Will I have to take a day of vacation to get them off? Oh
geez, do I use the same or less on the other foot? Such

All kidding aside, I took this weekend to try this stuff out
and was *very* impressed - those boots weren't going
anywhere with the foam in there :-) I rode in them Sun and
Mon and they didn't move - he stayed in them in the pasture
with no ill effects <g>. His hooves looked fine after taking
them off. Getting them off only took a few cuss words <g>
and about 15 minutes - tho another time or two and I'll have
it down pat. 

Score another one for EasyBoot - I was a believer in them
before - now I'm a true convert - using them almost every
time I go out for pavement traction w/out foam and will use
the foam whenever I need them for a ride.

Gee wonder if the extra weight of e-boots will affect him at
a ride....<ducking and running for cover :-) >

Tony - whose e-boots now say Tony Hicks thanks to a nifty
little paint marker

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