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Posting the trot...to songs or ???
On Fri, 07 Aug 1998 17:31:41 EDT cberto@juno.com (connie B Berto) writes:
>At the risk of being snickered at, I'll disclose that I have used a
>seven-word prayer (rest on the eighth beat) while trotting down the
Named my first endurance horse Isaiah 40:31. I would go down the trail
when I was tired saying, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles. They shall run and not
grow weary, and walk and not grow faint".
Then I sold him to a Jr. When she did her first 100 on him, the results
were posted as "Rebecca Houts riding Isaiah 40:30". We were sitting in
church when she whispered it to me that they had put the wrong verse in
the newsletter. There was a woman really butchering a solo at the moment,
and we took that time to look it up. Isaiah 40:30 reads: "Even youths
grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall." Rebecca did grow
pretty weary, and Isaiah was pretty clumsy. We snorted and choked until
we had tears in our eyes and tried desperately not to laugh because the
soloist was so horrible that everybody thought we were laughing at her.
Now I think the best endurance verse is Zechariah 12:4 "On that day I
will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness". :-)
Sister Angie and Brother Kaboot
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