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pony muzzle

Just an additional note on the "Muzzle made from milk jug"  I cut the
bottom into a large open grid...did NOT put it on her without holes in
bottom.  When I was through with it, it looked more like a stirrup cage. 
Even then, you could feel the hot breath build up inside, so DON'T put a
solid one on.  I also put duct tape around the top where it touched her
face so the sharp plastic wouldn't rub.  It's much easier to permanently
attach it to the halter, then take the halter on and off.  You end up
with a pony that looks and sounds a little like Darth Vader...and just
think, back then they didn't have the yellow jugs to keep the sun out. 
This could help on some of the horses that sunburn!  :-)

I really do like the muzzle idea better than the stall, because it lets
the pony remain a part of the herd where they're happier.

Angie McGhee (who could use a muzzle of her own)

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