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Re: Carbs - only part of the picture

In a message dated 98-06-24 21:07:55 EDT, CMKSAGEHIL writes:

<< It's been awhile since I read Lewis, but if your quotes are accurate (and I
believe they are) it is clear that Lewis is pretty antiquated, too.  He
obviously is not up on VFA metabolism, and also has his digestive physiology a
bit mixed up.  Time to get with more current research--check out some of Sarah
Ralston's sources that have much more up-to-date information.  
 Heidi >>

Gee, Heidi, I was just trying to find the appropriate century for you. Do you
want all the papers that were published in 1997-98? They're in the archives,
but I would be happy to repost them.

Let's see Sarah's sources. Be happy to read them.


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