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Re: sore back advice

Heidi, thanks for responding, I was hoping you would.   Not being a
heavyweight and not having experience with heavy weight riders and horses I
was not sure if I was over-reacting, etc.

Ironically, Pat is interested in doing dressage, IMO she has been more
concerned with frame rather than impulsion/rounding out his back (she rides
in side-reins all the time so Archie has not been able to stretch his neck
out and down).  Pat has had much more 'formal' riding training than I have
(although I probably have more total hours in the saddle) and is not open
to doing things differently, although I own the horse.  I also think that
her own physical limitations prevent her from 'supporting' Archie.

My observation is that it takes Archie 4-5 days after her riding one day
for him to be unsore to stroking  along his back (the type of stroking that
a body brush would do).  To me this indicates that she should not ride more
than 2 times a week and even then that might be pushing it and I agree she
should not ride consecutive days.

Since I don't know the breeding on Archie (the man I got him from bought
him at an auction as a two year old) I am not sure how to interpret your
mature comment.  I recently read that mustangs mature from 5-7 and would
have to concur IMO Rose, my mustang, was not mature  until she was 6, she
is 8 this year.  Keeping this in mind, would you err on the side of caution
and say 7 for Archie?

I know very little about back problems in horses.  I know in humans that
permanent damage can be done if you even do something wrong once, let alone
repetitively.  Is it possible that permanent damage has been done to
Archie?  I feel awful, because Archie is a wonderfully tempered horse that
is very willing to try and please you.  I also feel bad because I know my
friend receives enough negativity about her weight and now I will be
contributing to it.

One other comment, Pat has been complaining that he trips alot, is
uneven/uncomfortable in the trot, and feels out of balance, (and I already
mentioned the bucking and jigging)  which I understand are sometimes
descriptors for back problems in horses.  When I have ridden him, I have
not experienced any of these things, if anything I have found Archie to be
more comfortable at the trot than Rose my mustang, who I think is very

This whole situation, is one more of those life lessons (painful & unfun).

Thanks again for taking the time to respond.  The horse vet (only does
horses) in my area has such a full load that you have to trailer your horse
to his place, he doesn't make house/farm calls, which makes it difficult
since I don't own a trailer.  My vet, is a great general practitioner, but
horses are not his specialty.  Your contributions without seeing Archie
have convinced me that I am not over-reacting and that I need to give
serious thought about how to proceed.

Karen & Rose  & Archie (thanks Heidi!) in IA

KcA & Rose (I was bred to be 'quick', how else would my herd have
survived?) & Archie (thanks for paying attention)
At 8:34 PM -0500 3/30/98, CMKSAGEHIL wrote:
>In a message dated 98-03-30 13:21:47 EST, writes:
><< Are there any rider weight maximums recommended for horses in general?  Is
> it determined by horse confirmation?  Horse age?  How do the heavyweights
> 'toughen' their mounts backs, or do you decide who to ride based upon if
> they can carry you without getting sore? >>
>Weight maximums:  About 1/3 the horse's body weight.
>Age recommendation:  Mature
>Determined by horse conformation?  ABSOLUTELY!!!!!
>And yes, definitely best determined by who can carry the heavyweight without
>getting sore.
>Other tips to help out, though:
>Do dressage, and help the horse learn to round his back.
>DON'T encourage this person to ride daily--try three times a week, so there is
>a recovery phase.
>Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)


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