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weak leg

       Since there was no named signed, I do not who I am addressing
this too but have a similair problem.  I have been doing endurance for
about ten years now and never had problems with my seat till the last 2
years.  After taking lessons, I found I had problems keeping my right
leg and knee against the horse and also hard for me to keep that leg
    I have disc problems in my neck as well as lower back with sciatica
going down my right leg.  Just last month my chiropracter noted  a
weakness in my right leg as a result and have been doing exercises to
build up that leg.  Not only did he recommend stretches, but I found my
leg improve as well as my seat with exercising every day with the thigh
master and rubber band, leg lifts etc.  My weaker leg as caused me to
weight my opposite side of my body which effected my horse's way of
going and his balance, which over many miles cuased soreness problems.  
    I am stronger in my right arm and left leg, and am working to get
more balanced because if the rider is unbalanced in will
effect your posting, seat, leads and  and cuase problems down the trail
and I am  now just learning the consequences.  Good luck, Linda

Linda Eisele & Sareei and                   
hubby, Allen & LS Iceman
& the young LS Lakota

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