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FW: Beet Pulp

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Laurie Atchison 
> Sent:	Wednesday, March 11, 1998 11:08 AM
> To:	'Karen Allnutt'
> Subject:	RE: Beet Pulp
> Hi Karen:
> It must be something in the name, but I also have a mare called Rose
> (food, I want more food)!  
> Anyways, I found a wonderful source of oil that has my horses gobbling
> up their feed.  It is called WG Plus 
> (Wheat Germ oil).  When feeding conventional oils, for every 100ml of
> added fat you use, an additional 
> 100 IU of vitamin E is required.  Wheat Germ oil has high levels of
> naturally occuring  vitamin E and can 
> provide an energy source that is over 2 X greater than found in
> grains.  WG Plus also has added vitamin D 
> and A to the wheat germ oil base.  
> In our part of Canada (Alberta), equine products are very hard to
> find.  I order all of my herbs, etc. from
> Herbs for Horses in Ontario and have become one of their distributors
> now.  Their website is 
> and is well worth taking a look at.  I have used
> their herbs/products for about 
> 8 months now with wonderful results.
> Good Luck...
> Laurie & Rose (Sheza Desert Rose), Antasia, Tucker (Superstitious
> Satisfaction) & Friend...
> Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Karen Allnutt []
> Sent:	Wednesday, March 11, 1998 3:12 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Beet Pulp
> Tina, Archie did not like wet beet pulp when I started feeding it to
> him.
> I know you are supposed to feed it wet, but I started giving him a dry
> handful for two weeks.  I then increased it to two handfuls for
> another 2
> weeks.  Then I started adding a little water, not as much as is
> recommended.  Archie is now slobbering it down at recommended moisture
> levels.  I think the fact that it was wet and that he was unaccustomed
> to
> having any grain when I got him contributed to his slow acceptance of
> it.
> If you are bound and determined and willing to take your time anything
> can
> be accomplished with a horse.
> Now oil is another thing, if I put more than a tablespoon in he won't
> eat
> his food.  I'm going to try the more expensive raw oils that someone
> else
> mentioned.
> Rose, my other horse, has sure spoiled me.  She is an EASY keeper.
> Archie
> on the other hand needs a bit more assistance in the maintaining of
> the
> flesh.
> Good Luck!
> Karen & Rose (food, I want more food) & Archie (you want me to eat
> what?)

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