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Re: warmup


Your explanation may be behind what Stagg Newman told a bunch of us CTR riders
a few yrs ago while we were waiting for results.  He said that on colder days,
such as we had that day, we should either warm up ahead of time, or take it
easy at first.  The horse's pulse would run at a higher than normal rate until
it was warmed up.  Interestingly, that was exactly what had happened at the
beginning of that CTR. I noticed my mare running about 15-20 beats higher than
normal at the start  (I'd done that ride a few times before).  Typically, I
about went into a mild panic since I didn't understand what was going on,
slowed her to a jog on the flats, walked the downhill, in about 10-15 min she
was running at a more normal rate.  We finished the ride with no problems.  
Stagg probably gave us a scientific explanation of why we should warmup, but I
don't remember!  Thanks for yours!


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