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Re: Yucca prohibited???

Yucca is a specifically listed prohibited substance according to the 
"incomplete" guidelines from the AERC veterinary committee. It may be 
that the states (or whoever did your test) weren't testing for it, or 
the amount was too small to be considered. Just who has been testing you 
other than the state of CA? I have been under the impression they were 
the only state doing it. I know when AERC received a grant to do some 
testing several years ago it was by a random drawing of the horse's 
number. It was my impression that the new testing will also be a random 
draw, not a selection on sight!
Nancy Mitts

>Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 01:10:29 EST
>Subject: Re: Yucca prohibited???
>Hi Bev!  Not sure if this helps you, but I've been feeding Yucca (in a
>supplement called "Nu Flex") for several years.  My horse was drug 
>three times in 97 and five times in 98 and never 'busted".  I'm 
assuming that
>the stuff is legal, I've never been told otherwise (even asked a state 
>tester).  I did ask also why my horse is consistenly tested no matter 
>state we're in (not drug state, but geographical state) and I was told 
that we
>looked like we wouldn't get too bent out of shape about it, so they 
tested us!
>I guess it pays to look grumpy at a ride, then you won't get tested.
>Seriously though, I am fairly confident that Yucca is a safe substance 
>test wise and horse wise.  It will be interesting to see what everyone 
>has to say about it.  There always seem to be at least five distinct 
>on every subject.

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