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Re: Hates to be alone

Hi, are you sure you're not riding MY horse? He was fine until we got
the other gelding. Now he acts pooped all the time when we go out
alone. I tried a few things that seemed to work, but then the rain
came, shoes were pulled and I'm sure I will have to start all over
again. Heres what worked for me:

Make coming home no fun at all. I came home and Donte got tied for
20-30 min. in his stall. With the door shut, saddle on, so he couldn't
even see his buddy. Or sometimes, we'd come home, go past the barn,
down the road and work ditches. (He dislikes water, so we would go in
and out, walk the length and cross, for about 30 min., until he would
quit thinking about Classy back at the barn, and really concentrate on
that ditch.) Sometimes even figure eights in the yard. I also have a
habit of feeding shortly after a ride, so I am having to change my
habits a little too.

Also, when you do ride with others, sometimes (if you can anyway) try
to split up and then meet somewhere during your ride. Gives them
something to look forward to and think about. 

One last thing, sometimes I let Donte just have fun on a ride. Let him
pick the speed (when possible and safe) let him grab a bite to eat
once in awhile, and stop to let him graze and for me to stretch and
have a snack. Seems to keep me from feeling like I am working also. I
swear I was starting to get trail sour too. By the end of summer, he
was acting like his old self again, (so was I) and this was after only
about 1-2 months of the above ideas. Good luck. 

Heidi Sowards

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