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Re: updating ROC?

In times past I had suggested a much better venue for a championship ride.
It was called the Le Boise Championship 75. To be held at the local Le Boise
race track. No rocks on the trail, no possibility of getting lost, seats for
spectators, all vetting in one place. stalls for all horses, adequate
parking for all rigs, could have water available every 3/4 mile.

Le Boise is a 3/4 mile track and 100 laps would give you a 75 mile race.
Anyone interested in helping on this one? It would be much like the World
Endurance Championships being held this month.

Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
-----Original Message-----
From: Angela C. McGhee <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Saturday, December 05, 1998 9:03 AM
Subject: updating ROC?

>  >Isn't there anybody else out there who is willing to pick
>>up the
>>torch?  The ROC is a great concept that deserves to be continued.
>Susan and I have discussed this on the side.  I have suggested that
>considering the fact that that time, expense and logistics of the 100
>mile ROC were what did her in, perhaps she'd like to go with the up and
>coming trend in AERC and sponsor a new championship for the LD's.  I
>suggest we call it the "Itty Bitty Race of Champions"
>With all details scaled down in proportion to the effort involved to get
>a horse to this level of competition, the preparations would be
>streamlined considerably.
>Instead of those huge tents she used to get, we could get a couple on
>loan from the local funeral home.
>Camping, meals, and even porto-potties would be unnecessary since the
>horses could show up at 8:00 AM, be finished by 10:00 and headed home by
>11:00.  Mildly dehydrated riders should be able to "hold it" for at least
>that long....because, after all, you don't come to a ride like the IBROC
>just to complete...this is a championship RACE.
>To be "IBROC" qualified, a horse must have proof that he's never gone as
>far as 50 miles in competition.
>Trails would be easier to find and mark.  One 12 mile (or less now that
>LD can be as short as .1 mile) loop will be more than enough.  I'm sure
>it will help the horses to repeat the loop so they'll recognize when they
>are getting near the finish and will get that extra burst of energy to
>get them through.
>Rather than that full page ad she always ran in TrailBlazer, 1/4 page
>will be appropriate.
>At this distance, we could concentrate on more breed awards, perhaps even
>a Draft division.
>This is just in the planning stage, I'm sure there are DOZENS of you out
>there (you know who you like to write verses for the "Oh Lord
>Won't You Buy Me....." song) who could think up ways we could make this
>event special.  Wanna try?
>Angie McGhee & Kaboot
>Wildwood, GA
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