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Helmets for the dingbat moments

Bravo, bis!   I had a similar event a few months ago.  My youngster
spooked at a new road sign, spun 90 degrees, and went straight up an
almost-vertical hillside.  I went off right back over his rump, landed on
my shoulders AND HELMET --  very hard, BANG, on the back of the helmet,
on pavement.  It all happened so fast, and up to that instant he was
being a  good boy.   Aside from some stiffness in my neck for a while,  I
was and am OK, but I have no illusions as to what would have happened to
my skull had I not been wearing that helmet.   BTW, I threw it out and
bought a new one, which is  advised when you have a hard fall on it. 
Cheers (;-),  Connie B  (CA)

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