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Whiskeytown 30/50/100

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From: Mike Lynch 

My name is Mike Lynch.  My wife, formerly Gayle Snow, and I are putting on the Whiskeytown 30/50/100.  It has come to my attention that there has been inquires on Ridecamp for more info about our ride.
It is set in the beautiful Whiskeytown Lake National Recreation Area sout of the Lake.  If you rode in the Big Bad Bally in years past then you are familiar with the terrain.  
When Gayle and I decided to do a 100 in this area we knew are biggest obstical would be finding a balance of hills and flats.  This ride has the potential to be very difficult for horse and rider because of the mountainous terrain.  Since Gayle and I train in the park and are very familiar with the trails we knew we  could find that balance.  
The course consists of 30/20/30/10/10 mile loops.

The 30 mile loop has one climb, 2600',  on a well maintained, good footing, single track trail that drops into (possible) Vet Check 1, Brandy Creek Camp 1.  Easy access for pit crews.  You return to camp, going over Monarch Ridge, 2000',  and Vet Check 2 on a mix of single track trail well maintained dirt and gravel road.  This is a moderate to easy climb and decent.  On this loop you cross plenty of natural streams.

The 20 mile loop begins the same as the 30.  About 1/3 of the way out you take a left  and have another climb with good footing to the top of Kanaka Peak, 2300', with a 3-4 mile decent with rocky portions.  The trail then picks up the 30 mile loop and returns you to camp for Vet Check 3.  

Then you repeat the 30 mile loop.

The 10 mile loop is basically flat with excellent footing.   

The views of the lake are beautiful and if you have never been to this area it is a great place to be on you horse.

If you have any questions please feel free to send an e-mail.

See you at the ride.

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