ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: quality of gut sounds / ouchy hooves

Re: quality of gut sounds / ouchy hooves

KIMBERLY PRICE (PLOUGH1@ix.netcom.com)
Sun, 14 Dec 1997 18:38:23 -0600 (CST)

I'd like to hear some rumbling interpretations too! Like, sometimes
when we are trotting and I hear what sounds like a partially inflated
tire from his gut. Is that just an empty sack or what? Know which
sound I mean? I never hear anyone else's horse do that, but my friends
say they do.

His stomach grumbles as soon as he starts eating. Am I in the clear

I remember one of the cow's stomachs actually rotate and like
clockwork, you can hear the contents flip over. Now, that doesn't
happen with our guys at all, does it? <g>

I wish it would stop raining so I can go "ride" something to talk
about! :-(

PS to those concerned Mystery's feet aren't sore anymore except he is
off on just one. Some dry days helped, but since it is the weekend it
has to rain. Thanks for the responses on ouchy hooves...

Kimberly (&Mystery the Morab.."all gut sounds mean feed me...")
rainey but green black mountain ranch, Pt.Reyes CA

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