ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: AERC Drug Policy

Re: AERC Drug Policy

Lynn Kinsky (lkinsky@silcom.com)
Mon, 8 Dec 1997 22:21:25 -0700

>Any substance that is not normally occuring in the body should be
>prohibited from being used in competition. Also any substance while
>naturally occurring but in abnormally high amounts should be prohibited
>from being used in competition. A 3 sigma threshold over the "normal
>range" for these substances would be reasonable number (about one chance in
>1000 of a false detection).
>If you want to give your horse yucca, MSM, etc. that is fine but withdraw
>it for competition. If you don't feel that your horse can compete without
>these "drugs" then maybe you should think about a new horse.

Something I've been curious about would be the use of Reg-U-mate or
implants for mares to mitigate some of the hormonal weirdness they can be
prone to. If the same effect can be accomplished by getting them pregnant
or by mutilating (spaying) them, why is it wrong and against the anti-drug
rules to produce the effect temporarily. If the point is to be strictly
natural then all the male horses ridden should be stallions.

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