Re: Hoof Supplement - chronic founder

Teresa Van Hove (
Thu, 13 Nov 1997 15:35:35 +0700


I'm not sure reading this if you mean that your horse had a "chronic"
founder in the past or if he is chronically foundering. If he is still
chronically foundering then I think you should not have him on pasture
or any other feed free choice. Otherwise I think the only remedy is time;
we had a couple horses get the "chronic" founder several years ago and
had to live through the "moccasin feet" and tender soles for a couple
years but they have pretty good feet today. My mother completed her 1st,
and possible only, 50 mile endurance ride this summer on one of them.
(actually I got us lost and we covered at least 60 miles.)

>I'm kind of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" camp. My horse gets
>pasture grass, grass hay, and 1 pound of crimped oats with some vitamin and
>mineral supplement in it daily. That is it. Fairly simple diet. His very
>first competitive trail ride this year, we placed first. We have placed in
>all our CTRs and have easily finished our first 25 mile ride. Every vet
>that checks him out comments what good condition this 10 year old grade
>gelding is in. His heart rates are good and he has lots of energy for
>competition. His feet are terrific.

>I have another horse that I pour supplements to because he has been
>chronically foundered and all the biotin in the world doesn't seem to help
>a whole lot He is now getting Knox gelatin in his feed, which I've heard
>works wonders, but I'm still waiting for the wonder.

>chris paus & star