ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: weight

Re: weight

Joe Long (jlong@mti.net)
Sat, 20 Sep 1997 18:12:03 GMT

On Sat, 20 Sep 1997 10:37:47 -0700, Susan Evans Garlinghouse
<suendavid@worldnet.att.net> wrote:

>I have very little experience in riding for thousands of miles in
>two-point vs. posting, so your comments are very interesting. Would
>riding in two-point put more pressure on the horse's back focused over
>where the stirrup bars are---especially in a HW? Someone asked me this
>and although that would make sense in a traditional English saddle,
>maybe the more spohisticated endurance saddles distribute the weight
>better along the back? Is this how you ride? Neat stuff, looking
>forward to comments.

The weight in the stirrups is borne by the stirrup leathers, but they
attach to the saddle tree which (if the saddle is properly designed
and fits properly) will distribute the weight over the entire contact
area between saddle and horse.

Although I post some (poorly), most of my time at a trot or canter is
up out of the saddle, with knees flexing, my feet going up and down
with the horse and my body staying amost level.


Joe Long
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