ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: infor on Andalusians (PRE's)

Re: infor on Andalusians (PRE's)

Cyndi Lester (Cyndi@localaccess.com)
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 11:39:44 +0000

>Besides the various websites, does anyone know of a good
>resource to contact regarding Andulusians?
> Thank you,
> Tish Stoots
> Bozeman, MontanaDear Tish

There is an excellent site that also has an Andalusian-L list - it's in
it's infancy but has over 100+ members so far. There's experienced
breeders/trainers and lots of newbies (myself included) If interested
contact them at
http://www.cyberemporium.com/ Good luck and enjoy!

CyberHorse Farms
"Horse, thou art truly a creature without equal, for thou fliest without
wings and conquerest without sword."  The Koran

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