ridecamp@endurance.net: Yikes! white hairs...revisited

Yikes! white hairs...revisited

Sun, 14 Sep 1997 22:29:29 -0700 (PDT)

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From: Nina
Email: rmack@mail.inreach.com

Linda, your comments were so on the money! My right leg is so much stronger than my left that I was surprised that the white hairs were on the left. I did think that I weighted the right hip more so I was confused why the left back was showing wear and tear. Now I can understand what must be happening. I am working with my trainer to balence more evenly. Slowly, slowly...
Also, I bought my horse a year ago June, with his summer coat. When his winter coat grew in, so did some white hair on his back. That's what drove me to find a new saddle, I switched from a cheapo endurance saddle bought for a different horse to my new dressage. I don't know if he had white hair with his winter coat previously. But I might be able to find out.
Your comments have really started me thinking.

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