ridecamp@endurance.net: Any mules out there???

Any mules out there???

Megan Capon (capon@eburg.com)
Mon, 8 Sep 1997 08:02:15 -0700

Just has a chance to ride the mule again last night- he needed a "tune- =
up". Pretty fun to see the world through a pair of long ears after all =
these years of horses!

At any rate, I would be interested in hearing from anyone who is using =
mules in endurance as of late. I was really glad to see Frank Smith's =
accompishment in this year's Tevis, so if he's out there on- line, I =
would like to congradulate him. Amoung my curiosities:

Has anyone used Easyboots with mules with any degree of success?
What is the latest word on the never ending nigthmare of trying to get a =
saddle that fits?
Bits? Hackmores? It seems that getting a really determined mule to stop =
when it doesn't want to is something like trying to stop a high- speed =
train wreck, so I'd like to hear what has worked and what hasn't on the =
Conditioning tips?
What to look for in a mule for endurance?

Feel free to contact me personally about these things and more.

Cline- "Aren't you gonna rub my long ears, pleeeeeease?"

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