ridecamp@endurance.net: Morgans In Endurance In Australia

Morgans In Endurance In Australia

Helga Loncosky (hblmh@ptd.net)
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:58:41 -0400

Whilst on the subject of Morgans competing successfully in open competition
(congrats to Lisa Singer and Mimi's pair), I meant to post about some minor
success our Australian Morgans have had recently in endurnace.

At an Endurance Ride at Griffith in NSW on August 2nd, four part bred
Morgans competed. Half Morgan gelding Mt Tawonga Anzac ridden by Martin Los
came in 2nd in the Heavyweight Division, beaten only by a horse wthat has
completed 8000 endurance kilometres.

The other three completed successfully - Mt Tawonga Argyle (3/4 Morgan
gelding ridden by owner Bernie Smith), half Morgan gelding Woodbine Bracken
& owner Joanne Hayes, and Mt Tawonga Snowdout (half Morgan mare with
owner/breeder Jenny Bird).

At the ride before this one, Bracken & Jo competed in their first (80km)
endurance ride; Snowdout made her first 80km ride - with both placing in
the top 10 - and Bernie and Argyle completed their first (40km) ride.

Will keep you posted on how this quartet goes.

Judi Anderson & Mt Tawonga Kiewa (who are not fit enough to even dream
about 40km!)

Helga Loncosky
Beacon Morgan Horses
"There is something about the outside of a horse
that is good for the inside of a man."
-----------Winston Churchill

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