ridecamp@endurance.net: Methionine


Rob & Kathy Dobrowsky (arikaras@iafrica.com)
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 12:05:03 +0200

Hi there Susan,
I fed my Stallion 20grams of Methionine a day, not for hoof problems but
for liver problems. We here in South Africa have a plant that destroys the
liver, causing much the same symptoms as Alcholism in humans, namely
cerrossis ( spel ). I'm sure that you are aware that the liver is the one
organ in the body that can regenerate, if it isnt too badly damaged. We
monitored the blood count on a monthly basis, and there was a marked
improvement, untill it was within the normal paramaters, which took about
15 months. I have already posted a message to ridecamp about using Gelatine
for Kathy's mares hoves. There was a huge improvement, but it takes at
least a season to see the results as you pointed out.
Rob & Kathy and the mare with the longer tail.

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