ridecamp@endurance.net: Jr riders now seniors

Jr riders now seniors

Thu, 21 Aug 1997 11:12:08 -0700 (PDT)

I'm a little late in delurking-but in the discussion
of whether junior riders really do persevere and
progress to senior riders, you forgot to mention
one of the most impressive examples-Danielle Kanavy!
I saw her first at the Old Dominion when she was
only 10 or 12 years old! She trotted into the 80 mile
vet check, came up to me (I was vetting as usual)
and very cheerily said "my horse is 1/2 a degree of
on his left hind-could you please check it!"
1/2 degree off? Lordy, I usually have a hard time
catching 1 degree lamenesses! She and her Mom
really know their horses, then as now. Bring
on the Juniors! The longer they are in the game,
the better they will be!

Sarah Ralston, VMD, PhD

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