We are from Idaho a state that has BRAND LAWS. We are very strong advocates
of branding horses to preclude theft and to aid in the recovery if horses
are stolen.
We have our own registered brand. Some of you may be familiar with the ME
(rolling M hanging E) brand having seen it at endurance rides in the west.
To freeze brand a horse is very simple. We found that using dry ice and
methol alcohol (gives -97 f) to be much easier than fussing with liquid
nitrogen. It is necessary to have the proper type of branding iron, actually
heavy cast bronze to hold the cold. You shave the area to be branded and
wipe with the methol alky and apply the "iron for 15/20 seconds (longer for
gray horses) that is all there is to it.
If you reside in a state with brand laws and this includes most western
states you should contact the brand board and get the regulations for
registering your brand (or better still pick up an expired brand that you
like) The brand Inspector can tell you of persons doing freeze branding or
where to get an "iron made.
Please be aware,in most western states it is illegal to even move a horse
with out a brand inspection unless you have a valid yearly permit or a
permanent brand inspection. That does not mean the horse has to have a brand
on it but it must be identified by the inspector as the actual horse being
To me it is very interesting that most horse owners in this country have
reservations about branding. In most European countries it is a priviledge
to brand your horse as only the ready good ones are allowed to carry a brand
. I am proud of my brand and people know who bred the horse and that my
brand indicated a better than average endurance competitor. (ask any one
that you see with a horse with the ME brand)
In our state we have found that a visible brand is a very strong deterrent
to theft. One of our brand inspectors had his horse stolen {:)p and the
rustler quickly ditched the branded horse and stole one that was not branded
. Owner of unbranded horse woke up with branded horse in his pasture and his
horse gone!!!
Check with you state brand board they will be very willing to work with you
and not only will it make your identification job easier it makes their job
of recovery easier.
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID