cyndi craig
donerail farm
alvin, tx
> Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 08:48:36 -500
> From: "John & Sue Greenall" <>
> To:
> Subject: bits
> Message-Id: <>
> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT
> I have been listening to this issue and find many of you have
> excellent points. However, I have not heard about using a pelham bit
> which incorpoorates both a snaffle and a curb. I see very few trial
> riders using such a bit and many comment on how difficult it must be
> to ride with two reins. Not really, I hardly notice. The beauty is
> that I can balance my Morgan with the snaffle rein while trotting
> down hill, yet have the strength of the curb when he gets really
> strong. I only flick that curb rein to remind him that I am deciding
> the speed. If I rode the entire ride on the curb, he would fight me
> every inch of the way (learned that the hard way). I can also throw
> the reins away if he is willing to be a good boy (not too often). I
> also drive my horses and have come to value the balance of the bit
> in the hand and so have they. I think that is why I have such good
> down hill horses. Riding with two reins is a little more work, but
> it rewards the horse when he is doing it right yet gives the rider
> the "control" he might need to correct the horse.
> John and Sue Greenall
> ------