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The direct response was bounced back, so hadda post this to the general
list (sorry, guys)...
> David Roberts wrote:
> >
> > I am going to be moving from southern NM to southern OR
> Susan Evans Garlinghouse wrote:
> Hey David,
> I don't have much experience with long hauls like you're going to be
> taking, however, if you do opt to go through L.A. and then north, you're
> welcome to stop over at our place and keep your guy here overnight---I
> have 24 x 48 corrals, or we can turn him out into the arena (125 x 300)
> to work the kinks out. From what I've read, dehydration and muscle
> stiffness are most likely what he'll be feeling. My place is right off
> the freeway you'd be using and there are plenty of motels and amenities
> nearby (sorry, don't have room for all of you, house is tiny).
> If you do come through L.A., you'll be coming in on the 15 West to the
> 10 West. The only time traffic is bad is during inbound traffic in the
> morning. If you timed your travel so that you came over the El Cajon
> pass anytime after 9 or 9:30 a.m., you should be okay. The same applies
> to heading west and then north from here---the 210 west gets a little
> snarly in the morning, but nothing horrendous. The route you would be
> taking actually skirts downtown and the majority of the traffic, so it's
> not too bad. The worst traffic you would be likely to run into would be
> the 10 West in the a.m.
> BTW, we live in San Dimas. Good luck with your move and let me know if
> you'd like to have Knucklehead come visit our place for the night.
> Susan and David Garlinghouse
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