Thanks very much for your input. I do believe in my situation that my
standing, or floating as you call it, was bad for my horse, due to a
configuration of my horse's low withers and the saddle. She clearly had
saddle fit problems, with white hairs on her withers, directly inside
where the stirrup bars were hung. It was an Albion dressage saddle,
which was heaven for me except for her extended trot, when I found it
really hard to post. (The working trot was just fine). Anyway, in that
saddle the weight distribution was poor, and since her low withers
tilted me a bit forward, when I stayed up out of the saddle all my
weight was hanging off the stirrup bars in front.
In my new saddle (SR Enduro) I don't have any of those problems--it's
custom made. Maybe "floating" would be fine in it since I'm much more
centered--but I haven't felt the need to stand because posting is no
problem. But then, I haven't let my horse extend for any great
distances, either. So I guess that's my next question (to anyone): is
long term extended trotting OK? If so I might want to try "floating"
Happy trails--