For a serious horse purchase, i.e., you intend to condition and use the
horse to its maximum level in events, the ultrasound and/or xrays are
warranted. If my horse hadn't just had them, I'd have had them done.
What was checked: teeth, mouth. hoof angles, size, condition, check for
white line. tendons, full manipulation, pain thresholds, check for
thickening, damage, swelling, scars. gut sounds. pulse and respiration.=20
full flexure test on all four legs (compress a leg tightly for one minute
then an immediate trot out) to test for incipient lameness. motion
analysis, check for conformation defects while moving on a longe line.
Be sure to have the check done by a vet that is a horse specialist, even
better, an eventing/performance specialist.
Mike Sofen
Seattle, WA
From: Celenia Penix <>
Subject: Pre Purchase Vet Exam
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 1997 8:39 PM
I'd love to get other people's ideas/experiences with respect to
pre purchase vet exams. What sort of exams were done? Did they
include blood work, xrays, Coggins test? Not including xrays
(they can probably vary - depending) what would one expect to
pay for a thorough pre purchase exam?
Also...any recommendations for a professional hauling company
to bring a horse from the Salt Lake City, Utah area to
the Auburn/Sacramento area of Northern California?
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