>3. Having a well defined P&R and vet station - I flagged off a large area
of the
>meadow with a 125' long (for CRI's) section solely dedicated to vetting -
and had
>an adjacent area where riders entered and formed a line for the vet. This
>cut down on milling and confusion, plus created a good traffic flow from the
>water and P&R area. I put up pie plates with directional information such as
>P&R Here. Enter Here for Vet.... that kind of stuff. It really cuts down on
>confusion and makes the vetting go more smoothly.
You know, it still amazes me that every ride doesn't do this. It is
so easy to set up and take down, and makes things so much easier for
everyone concerned (vet crews, riders and ride crews).
The simple addition of a well-defined gate for the timing really makes
it work great. A horse's time is recorded when he walks through the
gate, not when someone hollers his number. Clean, accurate, fair, and
cuts down on a lot of jostling and arguments. As one timer records
all horses, it also eliminates the possiblity of unsynchronized
--Joe Long jlong@mti.net http://www.mti.net Business http://www.rnbw.com Personal