ridecamp@endurance.net: Re[2]: Power walk

Re[2]: Power walk

Bonnie Snodgrass (snodgrab@ncr.disa.mil)
Thu, 10 Jul 97 11:32:24 EST

Well Kat, I disagree with you. Engaging the hind quarters and getting
the horse to step well under itself with it's hind legs will lighten
the forehand. And asking a horse to reach forward and down (not peanut
pushing just a decent training level frame) does not drop a horse
horse on it's forehand if the hind end is engaged. It will encourage a
stretching and lifting of the back but it must be combined with
engaging the hind legs. Yes, your horse needs to be on contact but
that's from the back to the front not just from shortening the reins.

Bonnie Snodgrass

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Subject: Re: Power walk
Author: ridecamp@endurance.net at smtp
Date: 7/10/97 11:09 AM

On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Bonnie Snodgrass wrote:

> Walking hills is a marvelous way to build muscles in the hindquarters
> and back. However, be sure that you're horse has head and neck
> reaching out and down with back raised as you march up those hills.

No, no, no, if your horse has his head and neck out and DOWN when going up
hill he will NOT be using his hindquarters at all. He will be towning
himself up the hill with his forehand. To get the horse to use its
hindquarters you must RAISE the forehand (i.e. head and neck UP). To keep
the horse from hollowing its back, you must keep the horse's NOSE down.

You do not, however, acheive this "raising" for the forehand by pulling
the nead and neck up (i.e. don't pull the horse's head up with your hands)
but rather you want to "push" the hindquarters under the horse using your
seat and your legs, while at the same time keeping the horse "on the bit"
(as in, neither above nor behind the bit).

Kris, trailer on out to my place and I can show you how its done (I've got
some great hills to do it on too!) We can both go out on our TB mares.

And if you do it right then your saddle won't slip either.

Orange County, Calif.

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