ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Old Dominion

Re: Old Dominion

Truman Prevatt (truman.prevatt@netsrq.com)
Mon, 16 Jun 1997 12:54:50 -0400

>Does anyone have the results of the Old Dominion? I heard that Vallery
>Kanavy won the 50, but what about the 100?

I'll tell you what I know. I was crewing from Carlos and had to leave the
morning of the awards so my results are incomplete. The times are
approximate based on when they crossed the line and my ability to read my
watch an remeber after being up since 4:AM and drivin all over VA.

OD 100
1. John Crandel (solo!) in 16:20
2. Debbie Gordon in 16:25
3. Kevin Baird in 16:25:01
4. Carlos Crespo in 17:00
5. Lori Hayward in 17:01

Cavalry Award - John Crandel
Old Dominion Award (moring after BC) - Carlos Crespo
AERC BC - None given

Misc highlights
The weather was cool, drizzely at times but cool. Good completition ratio
- 30 started and 20 finished. Betty Baird got her 1000th OD mile finishing
this year. The vet staff was fantistic as usual. The trails are improved
- concerning rocks.


Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm with a lille hellion on the way
Danson "Deamon in Training" Flame
Sarasota, FL

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