ridecamp@endurance.net: BLM Wilderness regs

BLM Wilderness regs

Bob Wilson (bobwilson@pe.net)
Wed, 04 Jun 1997 21:51:07 -0700

Surfing the net I came across the following scary possibility. Seems a
far stretch to me, but...
Proposed Changes To Wilderness Area Regulations

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has proposed changes to the way it
regulates the use of federally owned wilderness areas. These proposed
changes could have an impact on how horse enthusiasts can use these
areas. Currently, horse enthusiasts, in most cases, may use federally
owned wilderness areas for recreational purposes, including trail riders
and pack trains.

The BLM is proposing to change how they define the term "mechanical
transport," which is banned from federally owned wilderness areas. The
BLM proposes to define "mechanical transport" as "any contrivance for
moving people or material in or over land...that has moving parts and is
powered by a living or nonliving power source." A definition this broad
could deny wilderness access to horses because bridles, saddles, and
packs contain moving parts.

Public comments on the BLM's proposed rule changes are due by April 21,
1997. If you would like a copy of the proposed rule, or need further
information on any of these topics, contact the American Horse Council,
1700 K Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20006; 202/296-4031; FAX

--Information supplied by the American Horse Council

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