ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Sunscreen for Horses

Re: Sunscreen for Horses

Niccolai Murphy (hlurphy@socal.wanet.com)
Wed, 04 Jun 1997 09:06:57 -0700

We use all day water proof Coppertone on Hal's white nose and absorbine
ultra shield fly spray which is supposed to have sun screen in it for
the rest of him (and there's a lot of him). One thing I've wondered
about... I get sunburned eyes if I forget my shades and am pretty sure
that horses get it too. Knowing many older horses in the neighbourhood
(15 yo and up) have cataracts some are tottaly blind in one or both
eyes, I was wondering if UV eye protection for horses might be a good
idea, especially for those of us in sunny socal. That's one reason I
stick fly masks on during the day here, even when flys aren't that much
of a bother.

So who's going to be the first one to look like a wally and ride a horse
with a flymask or shades?


Open the pod bay door please Hal.

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