ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Saddle Covers - How & Why?

Re: Saddle Covers - How & Why?

Sullys Maze (Sully@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU)
Mon, 19 May 97 12:09:54 PDT

REPLY TO 05/19/97 12:03 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Saddle Covers - How & Why?


I ride in a partial seat saver pad (saddle cover). I'm always looking
for something different or better, and my husband is considering a seat
cover pad as well.

1) Do you use any type of fleece saddle cover when riding?


2) Is it full or partial?


3) Is it wool or synthetic?

70% wool, 30% synthetic. It is the same fleece used on the undersid
e of skito pads.

a) If wool, is it leather backed (whole hide) or is it fleece on a
fabric backing?

4) Do you like it?


5) Do you have problems of it getting soaked in the rain (and REALLY
saturating your saddle). (& don't say you don't ride in the rain! All
the SE area keeps complaining about the rain/mud/sticky conditions!)

I will take it off next December when we get rain again!

6) Is your pad custom made for the saddle, or off the rack?

Custom made, fit for the Sport Saddle.

7) Where did you purchase the pad?

I made it

I'll be happy to send a summary back to the list.
A couple more comments. I decided to go with the washable material,
because we often ride through Poison Oak and I wanted to be able to
"nuke" the cover. A good friend of mine makes custom fit sheepskin
saddle covers for Sport Saddles. Unlike many other kinds, these
are cut carefully to the saddle, and fit completely around the
cantle. They can be purchased through Karen Chaton. I had thought
my Sport Saddle was comfortable until I made the cover-now it is
sinfully comfortable!


Linda Flemmer
Blue Wolf Ranch
soon to be from Bruceton Mills, WV
Linda Flemmer

To: ridecamp@endurance.net

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