ridecamp@endurance.net: Kicking problem improved

Kicking problem improved

Sat, 17 May 1997 22:10:12 -0400

I wrote sometime back for advise about my previously happy horse turned
kicker. This is what has worked for me so far. After she kicked, my
initial response was to hit her with my crop. I know this made an
impression because we rode with that horse again today and my sometimes
fiery mare was quite the humble horse not even giving me an attitude
about being last in line. However, the crop story has two sides. I
learned a TTEAM technique from Bobbie Lieberman on the list that has
been a great tool. You just rub your horse with the crop all over the
neck and hind end while talking in a reassuring tone. This has lowered
her anxiety (which prompted the kicking to begin with) in that situation
and in others. I have to ride through a residential neighborhood to
get to the trails which means encountering any number of potentially
fearful boogie monsters (skateboards, lawn equipment, people driving top
speed with stuff flapping out behind the truck bed etc.) and this
technique has visably lowered her tension level. I think it is
reassuring as well as letting her know I've got her covered nose to
tail. Also, carrying a crop is great for swatting the fist-sized,
blood-thirsty flies we get in Fl. Anyway, there are no guareentees she
is cured but the risk is much reduced. And this technique doesn't
require putting another horse or rider at risk in the training process.
Hope this helps someone else. Thanks.


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