ridecamp@endurance.net: obsessing


tina hicks (hickst@puzzler.nichols.com)
Fri, 16 May 1997 13:48:04 -0500

I've noticed a strange thing since I started this sport -it causes you to
obess :-)) I used to ride and ride and ride and never gave a second thought
to soundness or saddle fit or cramping or any of that.

But now it's more like....... oohh, was that a misstep? oh, is he off? why
is he stumbling? does he feel different on the left or right diagonal? wait!
is that a new bump on his leg? when did that get there? why has he preferred
the right lead over the left that last two times I cantered? is he hitting
himself with his back feet? wonder is this saddle fits? uh, why do you want
to walk? is something bothering you? you're not cramping are you? do you
need a drink?

who knew all these horrors even existed before taking up this sport :-))


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