ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: PHF


Kimberly Henneman (vuduvet@utah-inter.net)
Wed, 14 May 1997 22:21:06 +0100

The idea is to not overdo it and use vaccines judiciously. Proof is coming
in that small animals have been HORRIBLY overvaccinated and antibody titers
are proving that protection last for years...thus, annual vaccinations are
not needed. Cats may only need two-three vaccinations per lifetime. The
research is starting to come in on horses...Dr. Schultz in Wisconsin....one
of the top immunologists in the US...says that bacterins (PHF, Lyme,
Bordetella, Chlamydia, Strangles) don't cause much immunity. His research
and clinical experience leads him to believe that if your horse is
susceptible to PHF, he is going to get it whether vaccinated or not. It is
not vaccine bashing, it is just realizing that they are NOT the be-all and
end-all miracles that they have been proposed to be. Recent research in
cats shows PROOF (peer-reviewed) that malignant fibrosarcomas are caused in
1:500 cats by Feline Leukemia and Rabies vaccines. REcent research in kids
shows a possible correlation between DPT vaccinations and adult onset
asthma. We do antibody titers on animals in our practice and boost only
when titers are below protective levels and you know what? Most animals
with competent immune systems do not need annual vaccinations.
Kim Henneman, DVM

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