ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Feeding...

Re: Feeding...

Duncan Fletcher (dfletche@gte.net)
Tue, 13 May 1997 12:55:24 -0700

Flakes, cans, and scoops are meaningless. Give me measurements in lbs, ozs,
or kgs. Having said that, the diet appears to relatively well balanced,
perhaps unnecessarily high in protein but not excessive. My first choice
for additional food would to add a flake of oat in the am along with the
alfalfa, but if I had actual weights I might consider something else. If
you do, also supply me with the label ingredients for LMF - I don't have
any numbers on that.

Duncan Fletcher

> From: MARDIP@aol.com
> To: ridecamp@endurance.net
> Subject: Feeding...
> Date: Tuesday, May 13, 1997 9:48 AM
> Ok - know this is a subject that everyone has strong opinions on. I
have a
> 12 yr old Arab gelding, 15.2 and quite muscular (everyone mistakes him
> Quarter cross or Morgan). He's an average keeper. On average we're
> 20+ miles a week. Example: Sunday we did 8 miles on moderate hills in 1
> hrs approx. Anyway, as I'm starting to ride him more frequently and at
> faster pace he's dropped a bit of weight (actually looks great right
now). I
> want to maintain his weight, his energy level, and his health of course.
> Currently my feed program is heavy with good intent, and low on actual
> knowledge. He's looking great, just not sure that I'm not doing him a
> disservice, plus as I continue to ride I'm concerned about further weight
> loss and loss of energy.
> Currently feed:
> 1 flake alfalfa mornings (he eats it all up and I've never had a tying
up or
> colic problem)
> 2 flakes oat evenings
> plus in the evening:
> 2 cans alfalfa meal and molasses, 1/2 can of Satin Finish (Rice Bran), 1
> scoop Biotin, 1 measure of Strongid C, 1/2 can of LMF formula A (pelleted
> complete supplement - vitamins, etc. High on fat, low on protein)
> Open to comments, advice...

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